Archid Co., Ltd comprises of designers who are specialized in architectural design, interior design & build services in Vietnam. We have a considerable amount of completed commercial spaces designed & built including but not limited to Hospitality, Commercial, Retail, Beauty and also Residential buildings. We also undertake the construction of the same if client needs a Design & Build or Turnkey approach.


  • Understand the client’s needs & resources
  • Prepare a design brief and communicate that with the client
  • Prepare a conceptual presentation for client’s review
  • Detailing the approved concept for implementation
  • Preparing the necessary tender documents for cost analysis & construction
  • Lead the construction either as the designer & builder or as the supervisor depending on the client’s structure/needs


We believe in an open/honest communication with a single point of responsibility approach.
Accordingly the client’s needs to be reassessed based on the existing market conditions with certain design benchmarks relevant to similar spaces to give the client a overall picture of the market.